In the name of Allah, most Beneficent, most Merciful
This book is one of the simplest books that helps to answer common question asked by the Christian missionaries about Islam
It is authored by Dr. Zakir Karim Naik
This is its front page

The questions which have been answered within the book are about (the contents):
1- Polygamy
2- Polyandry
3- Hijab for woman
4- Was islam spread by sword?
5- Muslims are fundamentalists and terrorists
6- Eating non-vegetarian food
7- Islamic method for slaughtering animals appears ruthless
8- Non-vegetarian food makes Muslim violent
9- Muslims worship the kaaba
10- Non-Muslims not allowed in Makkah
11- Pork forbidden
12- Prohibition of alcohol
13- Equality of witness
14- Inheritance
15- Is the Qur'an God's word?
16- Hereafter - Life after death
17- Why are Muslims are divided into sects - different schools of thought?
18- All religions teach the people to be righteous, then why follow only Islam?
19- Vast difference between islam and actual practice of Muslims
20- Non-Muslims referred as Kafirs
to download the entire book in PDF format (350 Kb)
from attachments
by clicking here
Hope it is beneficial and hope you enjoy it!للمزيد من مواضيعي