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Answering Christianity Islam's Answers To Trinitarian Beliefs.

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Old 22.04.2010, 02:44
أبو حفص الأيوبي's Avatar

أبو حفص الأيوبي

المدير العام


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أبو حفص الأيوبي متميزا
تم شكره 6 مرة في 5 مشاركة
Default Jesus was never crucified according to the Gospel of Barnabas:

Jesus was never crucified according to the gospel of barnabas:
The following is an email I received from an anonymous Muslim brother; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.
From: Anonymous
To: Osama Abdallah
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 15:57:31 -0400
Peace be upon you,
I would like you to add this to your site. Update your article "Did Jesus die on the cross?" The answer to this question is written quite clear in the gospel of Barnabas. It's quite amazing. Maybe you didn't read this yourself, but you must now. The truth of the matter is this - Judas betrayed Jesus. He was a traitor to Jesus, and he was a traitor to Allah.
Even though Judas knew full well that jesus was a prophet of God, still, he conspired to kill him. Allah punishes severely those that betray him. Allah punished him by making him look like Jesus. The Romans and Jews, who had long since been conspiring to kill Jesus, killed Judas, who looked like Jesus. This theory is supported by parts of the Bible itself. In the Bible, jesus says "God, why have you forsaken me?" jesus would never have said this if he was the son of God coming down to die for everybody's sin, as Christians believe. No, it was Judas who asked this question. Also, in the Bible the person on the cross called Mary "Women!" when he sees her. Obviously, this was not Jesus, because jesus would never call his mother such a disrespectful name. No, instead, this person was Judas. This is written in much more clear detail in the Gospel of Barnabas. Please read the following chapters and make this known on your site-
214: Judas Betrays
215: Divine Rescue of Jesus
216: Judas Transformed
217: Judas Scourged and Mocked
218: Judas Crucified
219: jesus appeareth to his Friends
220: jesus and the Four Angels
221: jesus Chargeth Barnabas to Write
222: jesus Carried Up to Heaven

You can read all these chapters here:
These chapters are really quite amazing. jesus speaks to God about the future corruption of his Gospel. The Bible claims that Judas died in battle. But how can we trust the Bible? We simply can't. If there is one gospel that is truth worthy, it's the gospel of Barnabas. I don't think this should be an issue of confusion anymore. jesus was never put up on the cross, and he never died. And exactly as it states in the Quran, it was made to appear so. according to the Quran, jesus was not put on the cross. It says "but they killed him not, nor crucified him". I don't think crucifixion could mean dying on the cross, because right before that Allah said "they killed him not". jesus being put on the cross is not backed by the Quran, because jesus asked Allah to save him (because he knew people were planning to kill him), and since Allah loves Jesus, he did.
[an-Nisa' 4:157] That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
[an-Nisa' 4:158] Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
Here is a quote from this site-
"When Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son, his son did not object or question him, if jesus was sent to be sacrificed for our sins, why would he question God?
(Matthew 27:46): ".. . My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
Could this not come from someone other than Jesus? Even a Non Prophet would smile at agony as he knew that his death would win him the title of martyr.
Was this not an insult to jesus in not having faith in Allah?"
I understand that other theories are possible. But until the gospel of Barnabas is proven to be false, then I think this theory is the correct one. I would like your input on this issue after you read the chapters I listed above. Please post this on your site so everybody will know about this.
Thanks and peace be with you,
للمزيد من مواضيعي


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according, barnabas:, crucified, gospel, jesus, never

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