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Old 25.08.2010, 19:51
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حجة الاسلام



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حجة الاسلام متميزا
تم شكره 7 مرة في 5 مشاركة
ورقة Disproving Jesus’ (PBUH) Crucifixion by The Historical Evidence

Disproving jesus’ (pbuh) crucifixion by The historical evidence

Christians claim that the Muslims’ belief of jesus’ (pbuh) rescue from the crucifixion means that they are denying the historical truth; the truth that the Jews and the Christians, who were contemporary with jesus’ (pbuh) crucifixion, and their successors, agreed upon.

How could the Islam Prophet and his followers, who came six centuries after jesus’ crucifixion, deny this event?

At first sight, Christians’ objection might be convincing, but after we looked closely at the witnesses’ testimonies, we found contradictions and weakness in their stories.

Referring to history and searching in its stories for the truth about the crucifixion, and who the crucified was, we found many important issues:

- Many of the ancient Christians denied jesus’ (pbuh) crucifixion. Christian historians acknowledge this fact, declaring that many Christian sects that denied the crucifixion. Those sects are the Pascilidians, the Corinthians, the Carbocratians, the Satrinosians, the Markionians, the Pardisianians, the Sernthians, the Parscalians, the Paulians, the Minesians, the Titanisians, the Dostians, the Marsians, the Phalntanians, and the Hermasians.

A number of those sects were close to jesus’ (pbuh) time; they existed in the first century. In his book, “Heresies and their dispute”, saint Alfonse Maria De Lucre mentioned, that one of the heresies of the first century is what Floury said. He said, “Jesus had an invisibility power. He could appear in whatever shape he wanted. Thus, when the Jews wanted to crucify him, he impersonated Simon’s image and gave Simon his image. Simon then was crucified instead of Jesus, while Jesus was laughing at the Jews. Then he went back without any one seeing him, and ascended to heaven.”

It seems that that saying continued until the second century. John Fenton, the commentator of Matthew’s Gospel said (pg 440), “One of the Gnostics, which lived in the second century, said that, ‘Simon was crucified instead of jesus’ ”.

Oreganos mentioned a common ritual in his time, that Jesus could change his look whenever and to whatever he wanted. That is why Judah’s kiss was necessary, because Jesus was well known to the people of Jerusalem.

The most important sect, of those who denies jesus’ (pbuh) crucifixion, was the Pacilidians. In his book, “Islamic belief about Christian’s Matters”, Zeus, and the commentator George Sail, mentioned that this sect believed in jesus’ rescue, and that the crucified was Simon. (Some of them called him Simon the Assyrian) Both names might be for one person.

This sect also believed that Jesus (pbuh) was a human. Pascilios said, “The resurrection event, which claimed to be after the delusional crucifixion, is one of the evidence that the crucified person was not Jesus”.

Among the sects that believed that the crucified person was not Jesus (PBUH), are the Corinthians, the Carbocratians, and the Sernthians. George Sail said, “The Carbocratians, and the Sernthians, which are amongst the oldest Christians sects, believed that Jesus himself was not crucified or killed, but one of his disciples, who looked exactly like him. In addition, the Pasilidians, believed that another person was crucified instead of Jesus (PBUH).

There were also some Christian sects, which believed that Jesus (pbuh) was rescued from that crucifixion, and was ascended to heaven. Among them were the Rocitians, the Marsians, and the Phalntanians,. Those three sects believed in jesus’ divinity, and believed that to say that he was insulted and crucified is an assault that does not suit divinity.

Those sects, in their rejection of Jesus crucifixion, were the result of some of the Gospels, which were rejected by the ******, in spite of them being written earlier than the Canon Gospels. First of those Gospels is Barnabas’ Gospel, which mentions that the crucified person was Judah, the betrayer, whom Allah (S.W) made him impersonate Jesus (PBUH).

Similar to what I mentioned, are Nag Hamadi Codex, which were found in Egypt. After World War II, thirty-five writings, in 1153 pages were found, some of those passages were talking about Jesus rescue, and that he was not crucified.

Those scriptures did not mention neither jesus’ (pbuh) prosecution nor his crucifixion. In addition, Peter’s Gospel mentions, (Peter was talking as a first person) “It seems like they were catching him. I said, “What am I seeing master, are you really the one they are taking… or are they nailing someone’s else hands and feet?” the Savior said to me, “Whom they put nails in his hands and feet is the substitute, they are putting that he replaced in shame, look at me and look at him.”

The book “Siet the Elder”, which is another scripture of those scriptures, quotes Jesus (pbuh) saying, “It was another one who drank bitterness and vinegar, not me; it was another one who carried the cross on his shoulders; it was another whom they put the thorn throne on his head. I was excited in heaven, laughing at their ignorance”.

In another scripture, “The Resurrection Essay”, what indicates that Jesus (pbuh) died naturally, and his holy soul will never die.

In the book of John’s Acts, which is also one of the apocryphal books, mentions that Jesus (pbuh) said, “I am not Jesus who is crucified on the cross”.

Therefore, history in some of its lines speaks the truth, proving what the Holy Quran said about jesus’ (pbuh)
rescue, and the crucifixion of another person.
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(pbuh), crucifixion, disproving, evidence, historical, jesus’

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