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Old 15.02.2011, 12:32


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Default Darwin's Theory: True Or False?

by Dr. Shuaib Sayyed
As the subject announced: "Refutation Of darwin's Theory," or "Darwin's Theory - Is it true Or False?" As most of you must be knowing, what is darwin's theory in general? Darwin - his theory propagates or tries to make us understand that we human beings, we came into existence through an apes; our ancestors were the apes. And it is not God Almighty who created us, it is through the process of evolution humankind came into existence. Basically by this theory, what they want to propagate or present to the world that God does not exist. God is not the creator of the world, God has not created. It is through natural process, it is through natural evolution that living creatures came into existence and gradually and gradually, that particular stage came into existence where human beings came into being.
Darwin - his full name was: Charles Robert Darwin. Charles Darwin - most of us will know or will understand that he was a qualified person, that he must have been graduated in biology or in his science. But the fact is he was not graduated in his field. He was just a student or a mature in natural studies. He was very much interested in nature, and because of his interest - because of this interest, he happened to be in a ship by the name of: "HMS Beagle," he took permission from his father so that he could take this travel in this ship "HMS Beagle," which was supposed to take a round throughout the world for 5 years, in 1832. And in this ship when he went traveling in 1832, this ship reached a particular place by the name of "Galapagos" an Island and there, Darwin noticed finches a particular type of bird, having different shapes of beaks. At this particular observation, Darwin thought that: "How is it possible that this specie (the finches) belonging to the same species, belonging to the same community having different sized beaks? So, one idea clicked in his mind. He thought for a moment and he said to himself that it is because of natural selection from on generation to another generation - these sizes of the beak from one small beak to the larger beak came into existence.

So this is how for the first time the idea of natural selection came into his mind and he made a study over it or pondering over it, and he came to the conclusion that it is because of the natural selection of the qualities in particular specie get transferred to the next generation, and then to the next generation, and then to the next generation, and in a period of time, these accumulation of these qualities reached to such an extent that one specie converts into another specie. One animal converts into another animal. And in this process, the final stage is that man comes into existence. So it is through one specie to another specie, from one specie converting to another specie - this process continues on and on, and then the final stage reaches, and man comes into existence. Please note - he did not do any experiment. He did not go through university. He did not come out with a scientific evidence as such that one specie converts into another specie. It was his own thinking, his own idea which came into existence by just seeing the beak of the finches which was of different size.

But, with this particular theory and idea, he wrote a book: "Origin Of Species," in 1859. In 1859, he wrote a book: "Origin Of Species" giving an idea that it is through the natural selection of the advantageous qualities in one specie that converts into another specie, another generation, that is responsible for the conversion of one animal, one specie into another animal. So, he presented this theory of origin of species by the process of natural selection. But please note when he wrote this book: "Origin Of Species," he had one particular chapter by the name of "Difficulties Of My Theory." And in this "Difficulties Of My Theory," he himself mentions that: "My theory has problems to be accepted." Number 1:

1) The fossils of the living creatures that are available is not enough proof to give evidence than one species converted into another specie.
So, this is the problem. But he hoped that with the advancement of the science in future, there will be more excavations, more fossils will be available, and then "my theory will be hopefully be proved by finding the intermediary fossils which will be linking one specie to another specie." So he hoped that with future advancement of the science, his theory will be proved. This was one difficulty. 2nd difficulty:
2) He noticed that certain body parts, certain body organs are so complex, so complex that to imagine that it must have come through process of evolution - that is impossible.

For example, eye organ - our eyesight. This eye has several parts in it: retina, lenses, nervous cells. The whole eye parts little bit of it - all are responsible for the functioning of the eye. If one part of the eye is not developed, the functioning of the eye will not come into existence. So he said that: "how is it possible that if eye as an organ, if it is evolving gradually and gradually, it must not have come into existence all at once in the perfect state. So, if it comes gradually and gradually, it is impossible because just one part of the eye if it is not developed, it will not function. So to imagine eye can come into existence by the process of evolution is impossible this is the difficulty with my theory." But again he said: "with the advancement of science and technology, this difficulty will be proved." This was the second difficulty. And he had the problem of "natural instincts." And he could not explain:

3) How could it be possible that natural instincts could be evolved from one specie to another specie?
For example, what is natural instincts? A child is born. This child is not taught how to suck the mother's milk. This is through the instinct created by Allah swt that the child knows that after he is delivered or it is delivered, he knows how to suck the milk - this is instinct. So Darwin, he thought about the instincts that are available in living creatures - he could not explain how these instincts, natural instincts could be evolved by the process of natural selection.
But, all these difficulties that he mentioned in his book "Origin Of Species," he was very much hopeful that with the advancement of science and technology in future (because science and technology was not advanced in his time) in future "my theory will be accepted as fact." But, science had advanced, but it falsifies his theory. It proves that darwin's theory is just a theory, it is not a fact. Because in his time science was not advanced, it was not well established, at his time the microscope could examine just to a greater level of a cock. The cell which is today explored and examined in the microscope - powerful microscope, at that time they could not. In his age, the cell could not be examined. But just within 50 years time, Gregory Mendal - he discovered the cell structure of a human body. And he discovered later on the discovery of inheritance, and the DNA, and the genes, and the nucleus and the complex structure of the cell came into existence. With the understanding of the nucleus, and the DNA molecules and the genes, that these are the responsible parts that have the master coding of every thing of a human being or living creature, it was a big blow to darwin's theory. So, with this advancement, Darwin's theory crumbled like anything.
But still, people who believed darwin's theory wanted to remain intact and they wanted to support this theory. They came to conferences and they thought that if this is the case that coding of everything is there in the nucleus, and because of the change in the nucleus then only there can be change in the specie, in the animal, because if the nucleus, the genes, the DNA, these things have the coding. And if there is a change in this coding, then only can there be change in the human structure in the human body, they though and they came up with an idea that it is because of gross mutations, gross changing's in the nucleus that are responsible for changing from one specie to another specie. It is just amazing - this is again their thinking, their understanding that changes in the nucleus is responsible for the change of one specie to another specie. But, scientifically we know that changing in the nucleus will not create a better human being or better creature. For example, if you have a complicated watch - watch. In this watch, if you make a random change. It will not improve the watch, it will harm the watch. So, random mutation cannot be taken as a criteria for having advantageous change from one lower specie to another specie. So again this theory of random mutation was proved to be false.
The fact is that even evolutionists who believe in this theory of natural selection and that one specie converts into another specie, they go against their own theory. Like Collin Patterson - one evolutionist, he says: "till now, not a single specie has changed from one specie to another specie by way of natural selection." So if they themselves admit, how can you say that one specie converts into another specie? They also tried to present the theory of Industrial Melanism. What is Industrial Melanism? In England, when there was Industrial Revolution, before the Industrial Revolution the barks - the trees, if they had light colored moths and dark colored moths, dark colored moths - the insects could be easily as a prey and be eaten by a bigger animal. So in the process of time when Industrial Revolution did not come into existence, when it did not darken the tree barks, the dark colored moths was eaten up. So, this is how the dark colored moths was scanty and in minimum quantity. But, with the Industrial Revolution, the color of the barks - the color of the tree was darken. And because the color of the tree was darken, the dark moths - dark colored moths could be camouflaged, and they could not be noticed by the bigger insects, and they would be remained there and in the process of time, the light colored moths were eaten up. So, this is how this natural thing that took place - people who believed in darwin's theory they took an evidence and said: "see, how the light colored moth converted into dark colored moth. How one colored moth converts into another color." This is how they proved that darwin's theory is true.
If darwin's theory was true, biggest fact is that if they claim that one specie converts into another specie, then definitely they should have intermediary fossils. Do you know what is fossils? The remains of the living creatures that are embedded in the Earth. If those fossils are excavated - if they claim that one specie converts into another specie, they should have enough evidence of those fossil record which is in between one animal and another animal. But the fact is that they do not find the intermediary fossils record. Supposed if they say that the reptiles converted into birds, they must have intermediary animals - the fossil record which would have half reptile and half bird. At least: half reptile and half bird But, they do not find any single specie which is in between, having half reptile and half bird. So, the fossils records today that is excavated, they prove that one specie did not convert into another specie.

Geological evidences that today they have come up - they could dig up to a level of Cambrian strata. They dig up the Earth geologically to the level of Cambrian strata which can be dated from 500 to 550 million years. In this particular strata of the Earth, they could find innumerable complex living creatures fossils - the remains of the living creatures. And they could find the fossil record of the shark, which could be dated 400 millions years. The fossil record of cockroach which could be dated 320 million years back. They could see the fossil record of the ants which could be dated 100 million years back. They could find the fossil record of grasshoppers which could be dated 40 million years back. So, Richard Dawson again an evolutionist, he says: "how is it possible that all the complex living creatures as if they are planted at one time, and it shows no evidence that one specie converts into another specie. In one particular age, if you have all different complex small and big creatures - fossils embedded in one strata, it itself is a proof that one specie did not convert into another specie. They were all at one time If they were all at one time, the theory of evolution is proved false. So fossils record proves that darwin's theory is not true.

But yet, though they could not substantiate that darwin's theory could be proved through fossils record, they manufacture fossils record. And for example - how do they do that? In the magazines, in the television channels and different channels, discovery channels and different video programs, we see the construction of the ape-man. As if we are given to understand that these were the creatures which existed. But what is the fact? These creatures did not exist. It is reconstruction of these creatures. Ape-man - it is reconstruction. What is reconstruction? That if they find one piece of bone - for example if they find one arm bone. Arm bone in the fossil - based on one arm bone, one hand, these construct the whole human being - the whole ape-man. This is construction. If they find one skull - based on one skull, they make the whole body of ape-man, signifying that this is the ape-man which is the intermediary between the ape and human being. So, they fabricate drawings and constructions by just picking up one piece or two pieces of skeleton, and they make the whole structure. Not making just whole structure, they make the wife and children and the whole family, signifying that these are the ape-man - half ape and half man. This is forgery.
An example of such forgery is that one such thing took place in Piltdown. A certain place known as Piltdown. In 1912, Dr. Charles Dawson - he presented a skull with a jawbone and the skull. And he said: "this is the ape-man - half ape and half man." And he tried to prove that this will prove darwin's theory. Later on, Kenneth Oakley in 1949, he made a fluorine testing on this skull bone. With this fluorine testing he came to know that the jaw bone hade few, or very little or negligible fluorine content. The skull had little more fluorine content. During the fluorine content of the jaw bone and the skull separately, it was proved that it did not belong to the same specie. But again, Weiner in 1953 through again a further study prove to the world that the jaw bone actually belonged to an ape which has died recently - just few years back. And the skull belongs to a 500 year back man. So it was the half skull taken of a man and jaw bone taken to an ape joint together and manipulated, and trying to prove that this is an ape-man. And they had stained it with potassium dichromate to give an understanding that it is backdated of long long years back. But once they put in acid, the potassium dichromate finished off. This is one example of Piltdown forgery.
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الموضوع الأصلي : Darwin's Theory: True Or False?     -||-     المصدر : مُنتَدَيَاتُ كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءِ الدَّعَويِّة     -||-     الكاتب : الاشبيلي

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darwin's, false?, theory:, true

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