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Old 24.11.2009, 17:14




simple_happy is offline

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Default The story of the second mosque built on the face of the earth

Peace and mercy of God be upon you

Today with the topic of

First: In order to remove the confusion in the subject if this picture is the image of the mosque, which we mean?

If that were not the picture!

What is this mosque, and if his name???

Keep the picture and you will see the bottom of the response</SPAN></SPAN>

story second mosque built face earth

Is not intended ... Look for this image

story second mosque built face earth

Ask means .. What is a mosque ( qoba alsakhrh )

and when built?

Look for this image

story second mosque built face earth

I wish I could have explained it

To go back now to the subject of our mosque today

What is his name and when built?

See photo and let the picture tell you that

story second mosque built face earth

May ask, and says ... Why Al-Aqsa mosque is sacred?

The answer in the elements of which are as follows: --

First: mentioned in the Koran

سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلاً مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ البَصِيرُ [الإسراء : 1]

Second: prayer is equivalent to five hundred prayers offered elsewhere

Third: it is a mosque that draws any backpacker to travel to the Prophet peace be upon him said, with meaning: "Journeys not only to three mosques: the Sacred Mosque, the mosque of the Prophet peace be upon him, the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

IV: the first Qiblah and the second and the third holiest mosque Mosques

Fifth: the place Muwatta by peace be upon him

VI: God Almighty was able to begin a trip the White Maraj directly above the Kaaba the globe, but wanted to connect the nation's Islamic Al-Aqsa mosque which is one of the most important Islamic holy sites

Seventh: The caliph Omar says, "What I have, however, such as Jerusalem Mecca"

Images of the Al-Aqsa mosque by the old in 1969 because there is a major event happened in this year will come shortly after he said image

From abroad

story second mosque built face earth[/url]

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

And now the mosque from the inside in an old time>

story second mosque built face earth

Podium prior to 1969

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

Podium prior to 1969

story second mosque built face earth

In August 1969 the Jews burned the Al Aqsa mosque at the hands of terrorist Michael Doohan

Skip images

First, from the outside

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

Secondly, from the inside>

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

To teach children and youth, girls, men and elders of the Islamic nation are the Jews and how deep is the hatred of Islam and Muslims in all times and places


Al-Aqsa mosque was renovated thanks to God and now with pictures Al-Aqsa mosque after restoration and to this >

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

And now from within the newly

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

Podium after restoration

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

Photos and now modern Taraweeh prayers in the Aqsa mosque and grounds blessed ask God to bless us when we all prayer before death Amen

Following image

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

Pray at the mosque prayer Amend 500

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

Film of the Al-Aqsa Mosque</SPAN></SPAN>

In order to be fully subject, thanks to God

Jews claim that under this structure they call the Holy mosque the Temple of Solomon and digging under the holy mosque to pray to this alleged temple and digging tunnels under Al-Aqsa mosque would lead to the collapse of the mosque at any given moment, so warn all Muslims everywhere to rise up to liberate the Al Aqsa mosque fucks impure by Jews who spread mischief on earth and you pictures of some tunnels under the holy mosque

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

A tunnel under the Old City of Jerusalem</>

story second mosque built face earth

Western Wall Tunnel


story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

story second mosque built face earth

These are some pictures of tunnels, not all

Because the hatred of Jews is greater than these tunnels</SPAN></SPAN>

May ask, why he wants to burn the Jews destroy Al-Aqsa mosque or both???

A: We have said God of the Jews in the Koran are the children of Israel causing havoc in the land and killed the Prophets without right and betraying promises and are more hostile to Islam and Muslims</SPAN></SPAN>

We ask God Almighty to make us in championing the cause of this debt and raise the banner of Islam and Muslims Amen

Please accept my congratulations Eid Al-Adha We ask God Almighty to bless you and all Muslims in Yemen and blessings Amen

May peace and God's mercy and blessings
للمزيد من مواضيعي


Signature of simple_happy
والله إن ظننا في الله أن نصلي فيك قبل الشهادة والله عند ظن عبده

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built, earth, face, mosque

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