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قديم 10.03.2014, 08:25
صور ابو الياسمين والفل الرمزية

ابو الياسمين والفل



ابو الياسمين والفل غير موجود

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ابو الياسمين والفل لطيف جداابو الياسمين والفل لطيف جداابو الياسمين والفل لطيف جداابو الياسمين والفل لطيف جدا
تم شكره 35 مرة في 31 مشاركة

When you ask this question to any Christian you will find quickly his answer present and without any hesitatation . he will say: christ came to save us, and in order to save the whole human race .. when you ask him from anything he saved us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will reply you from sin of Adam ((original sin or the seriousness of sin in their words)) . But I say: that christ himself peace be upon him, denied original sin, saying:

(22 if I had not come and spoken, were not their sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin 0.23 that hates me hates my Father also 0.24 if I had not done among them the works had not worked by one of the others, were not their sin, and have now seen and hated me. ..) (Jn 15: 22-24)

, christ was not aware of original sin inherited, so he rebukes them for their sin towards him, So he blame them of a lack of faith in him, with his assertion that they "were not a sin to them," if you do not come to them as to whom God of arguments and evidence

· It also said that jesus christ (Matthew 8: 4)

"4 jesus said to him:« look that is not saying for one., But go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that was ordered by Moses commanded, for a testimony to them » . "

Christ came to complete the law of moses, not to disallow. when one of jew came to him and ordered him to submit a Jew Eucharist (zakat or bona) ordered by Moses

· Why he did not tell him I believe I'm last human Sacrifice ?
· Why he did not say at least you do not need to Sacrifice .I'm sacrifices for all of you?
Is the mercy of God Almighty and justice that one crossfied from non-linear him "as you claim," rather than sinners??

No justice that God does not punish one for other one does not carry one of the mistakes and sins of one another, but the preson who made sin will be a Hostage

للمزيد من مواضيعي


Signature of ابو الياسمين والفل
الله ربى والاسلام دينى والقرآن الكريم كتابى ودستورى ومحمد رسول الله ورسولى واشهد ان لا آله الا الله وحده لا شريك له فى ملكه وان محمد رسوله بلغ الرساله وادى الامانه ونصح الامه وازال الغمه ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العظيم

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