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قديم 28.06.2013, 23:08
صور فداء الرسول الرمزية

فداء الرسول

مجموعة مقارنة الأديان


فداء الرسول غير موجود

فريق رد الشبهات 
ID: 203
Join Date: 13.05.2009
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فداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدودفداء الرسول مبدع بلا حدود
تم شكره 213 مرة في 148 مشاركة

Historical Age of Marriage in Western Countries

Age of Marriage During Biblical Times

It is ironic that Christian missionaries attack Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for
his marrying Aisha (peace be upon her) at such a young age, but we find that this was the
normal age of marriage during Biblical times. Theology.edu, a website maintained by a
reputable Christian ministry, clearly mentions in an article entitled “Ancient Israelite
Marriage Customs” that the age of marriage was around the age of puberty:
The wife was to be taken from within the larger family circle (usually at the outset
of puberty or around the age of 13) in order to maintain the purity of the family
(Jim West, ThD; http://www.theology.edu/marriage.htm)

In the book entitled Life in Biblical Israel, a Christian priest writes:
It is safe to assume the bride was considerably younger than the groom, and
childbearing would have begun shortly after puberty.
(Life in Biblical Israel, p.58,

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In the book Ancient Jewish Epitaphs, we read:

For Jewish women—as for women in antiquity generally—marriage was often
entered into early. We do not have many inscriptions recording the age at which
women were married, but the few who record it mention ages ranging from 12...
(Ancient Jewish Epitaphs, p.103-104,


Signature of فداء الرسول

تحمَّلتُ وحديَ مـا لا أُطيـقْ من الإغترابِ وهَـمِّ الطريـقْ
اللهم اني اسالك في هذه الساعة ان كانت جوليان في سرور فزدها في سرورها ومن نعيمك عليها . وان كانت جوليان في عذاب فنجها من عذابك وانت الغني الحميد برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين

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