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قديم 24.04.2010, 22:09
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الملف الشخصي
التسجيـــــل: 20.11.2009
الجــــنـــــس: ذكر
الــديــــانــة: الإسلام
المشاركات: 1.122  [ عرض ]
آخــــر نــشــاط
12.09.2021 (01:07)
تم شكره 40 مرة في 30 مشاركة

متى اكتمل نصها ؟؟؟

المضحك جداا ... ان الهاجادا التى يدعى عابد الصليب ان القران اخذ منها ... اكتمل نصها تماما فى القرن الثالث عشر الميلادى ... .. يعنى بعد الإسلام ب 600 سنة ...!!!

جاء فى المحيط الجامع ......

إن الادب الاخباري (هاغاده) الذي يمتدّ من زمن المشناة إلى القرن الثالث عشر، مليء بالأقوال المأثورة، والتعاليم الاخلاقيّة، والمواعظ والاقاصيص والحكايات


فالهاجادا ليست مصدر ثابت المحتوى بل كان مصدر متجدد ...........

my people passover haggadah - pg 5

فهى مرت بمراحل كثيرة من سنة 170 ميلادية الى القرن الثالث العشر ....

ومرت بتعديلات خلال هذة المدة .........

The New Jewish encyclopedia - By David Bridger, Samuel Wolk - pg 183

Different Midrashim were written down at different times, over a period of almost a thousand years, from 300 - 1200 CE.


The oldest complete Haggadah dates from the 10th century, and Haggadot were first printed in the 15th century. Around the same time, a few Passover songs and additional text were appended to the Haggadah, though the rest of the text did not undergo much change. It is still common to see these songs at the end of a Haggadah.


فبداية الهاجادا فى سنة 170 ميلادية ( فترة التنام ) .... Tanaaim Period
وبعد ذلك زاد محتواها فى فى عصر الامورايم ( 500 بعد الميلاد )
....... Amoraim Period. ............

ولكن الهاجادا لم تاخذ شكلها النهائى والكامل الا فى القرن العاشر فى بابل
بواسطة كبار حاخامات اليهود ... الجونيم ( The Geonim) ......

Although the Passover Haggadah was assembled in Talmudic times, its content continued to be fluid. It was only in the period of the great rabbis (or "Geonim" in Hebrew) who studied in the Sura and Pumbedita academies in Babylonia in the 9th and 10th centuries C.E., that a stable form of the Passover Haggadah text was established.


Haggadah dates back to the era of the Mishnaic and the Talmudic, somewhere around 200 CE to 500 CE. However, a stable version of the script was formed only during the 9th and the 10th centuries CE.


Although the Passover Haggadah was formed in Talmudic times, its contents changed over time. The contents of the Passover Haggadah only became stable in the 9th and 10th centuries when the great rabbis (also known in Hebrew as the "Geonim") in the Jewish academies of learning in Babylonia,


Although the Passover Haggadah was assembled
in Talmudic times, its content seemed to be fluid. Apparently, it was during the "Gaonim" period (9th and 10th centuries C.E.) that a stable
text form emerged. The earliest, completed Haggadah text, according to one internet source, appeared in the Siddur of Rav Saadiah Gaon of the Sura Academy (Babylonia, 10th century C.E.)


7th Century C.E. - 8th Century C.E.: The Geonim (the leaders of the Jewish academies of learning in Sura and Pumbeditia, Babylonia, now Iraq) compile the version of the Haggadah as it is known today.


The earliest extant written haggadah text is a relatively complete fragment datable to 8th or 9th-cent


7th Century C.E. - 8th Century C.E.: The Geonim (the leaders of the Jewish academies of learning in Sura and Pumbeditia, Babylonia, now Iraq) compile the version of the Haggadah as it is known today.

وهناك من دُون بالكامل فى القرن العاشر .......

هاغاده براشيت
مدراش مواعظي حول تك. يتألّف من 24 فصلاً قُسمت إلى ثلاثة أقسام حسب دورة القراءات على ثلاث سنوات. يبدأ كل فصل بمدراش تفسيري حول آية من نصّ البنتاتوكس الاسبوعيّ. ثم يأتي تفسير آية من قراءة الأنبياء، ثم من المزامير. قد يكون النص دوِّن في القرن العاشر. ومرجع مضمونه هو مدراش تنحومة (النسخة القديمة).


وفى القرن الثالث عشر حدثت اضافات ايضا ......

The Union Haggadah - pg 88,98

راجع ايضا .....


وقد ظهرت لأول مرة فى كتاب منفصل فى القرن الثالث عشر

13th Century C.E.: the first Haggadah appears as a separate volume/book (earlier versions of the Haggadah were appended to the Siddur, or Jewish prayer book).


وأقدم مخطوطاتها تعود الى القرن الثالث عشر .......

The Shengold Jewish Encyclopedia - pg 100

راجع ايضا


وحتى لو كانت قبل ذلك فلن تكون باى حال من الاحوال ...... أقدم من مخطوطات العهد القديم ( القرن العاشر .... )

يتبع .........

رد باقتباس